Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where is LawyerCare ® available?
You can choose a LawyerCare standard market policy with your practice of law in any of the following locations:
- Alabama
- Missouri
- Arizona
- Nebraska
- Colorado
- Nevada
- District of Columbia
- New Jersey
- Delaware
- New Mexico
- Florida
- New York
- Georgia
- North Carolina
- Idaho
- Ohio
- Illinois
- Pennsylvania
- Indiana
- South Carolina
- Iowa
- South Dakota
- Kentucky
- Tennessee
- Maryland
- Texas
- Massachusetts
- Utah
- Michigan
- Washington
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
Find an agent near you or email Non-standard coverage is available through Noetic Specialty, a non-admitted company of Medmarc Insurance Group writing in 31 states and the District of Columbia. Noetic Specialty is rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best.
2. Is LawyerCare coverage financially secure ?
LawyerCare’s standard market policy is underwritten by Medmarc Casualty Insurance Company, a subsidiary of ProAssurance. Medmarc is rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best. Its strong balance sheet and experience in legal liability insurance help ensure the support you need.
3. What coverage form is provided?
LawyerCare standard market policies are written on a claims-made form for New York and a claims-made and reported form in other locations.
4. How do I report a claim or potential claim?
Please call our LawyerCare claims intake professionals at 855.214.1295 or email
![proassurance-rev proassurance-rev](
LawyerCare policies are underwritten by Medmarc Casualty Insurance Company, a subsidiary of ProAssurance—a group of companies constituting one of our nation’s largest professional liability insurers.